Chateau Beausaint


Enjoy delicious dishes at our new restaurant in contemporary orangery style. We will welcome you in a trendy environment radiating with the Ardennes' characteristic tranquility.

Modern dishes from a nostalgic kitchen

The ground floor will entice you with the aromas making their way from the kitchen. It features a black stone mantle and an AGA stove which you can sit around. In addition, our kitchen also serves as a room with a view: surrounded by tall windows, you won't have to miss any part of the magnificent view.

Right before a delicious meal prepared by Chef Alain, we serve an appetizer at the salon with a fireplace. For the après-pousse-café, you are welcome at the Petit Café with a beer tap, a music and light setup as well as a tree trunk to hammer nails into. Ludo, Ardennes style.

Meet Alain & Sally

Chef Alain uses his 25 years of experience to conjure up one pearl after another right onto your plate. He creates haute cuisine without sacrificing accessibility. Take a seat at the table and enjoy his creative and sophisticated dishes.

Hostess Sally serves his dishes with a smile as wide as the room you will get to take place in, while the fireplace crackles and deer eyes dream along on photos and paintings.

By reservation only: +32 491 39 59 99 

The restaurant is closed on Sunday-Monday en Tuesday evening 

During the summer closed Sunday and Thursday evening

Alain & Sally